Fall National High School Journalism Convention • Nov. 7-10, 2024  •  Philadelphia

Registration and hotel reservation process


Registration process

Please have your JEA or NSPA member number handy to access the member discount. 

If you qualify for discounted or complimentary registration, you must make the selection at the beginning (page 2) of the registration process.

Please have the email address of each attendee on hand as this is a registration software requirement.  

Refer to the convention website for full descriptions of workshops and other Extras. 

We advise to have your group selections made prior to starting the registration process. You will be timed out after 80 minutes of non activity. 

The online registration system includes these convention Extras which may have additional costs:

  • Preconvention workshops
  • Break with a Pro
  • On-site media critiques
  • Adobe certification tests
  • Opening ceremony/keynote tickets
  • NHSJC Film Festival tickets
  • Adviser luncheon tickets
  • National Journalism Quiz Bowl
  • NSPA Best of Show
  • Convention merchandise
  • Thursday Tours

The online registration system does not include reservations or sign ups for:

  • Hotel rooms
  • Student scholarships
  • JEA National Student Media Contests
  • JEA CJE or MJE testing
  • JEA Outreach Academy
  • First-time Convention Grants

Please limit group registrations to no more than 28. If you have more than 28, please create a second registration. The primary registrant must be an adviser or an adult attending. The email address of the primary registrant cannot be repeated from the first registration. You can use a personal email address or your media email.

You can modify your registration via a link in your registration confirmation email.

Adviser members can volunteer their time to receive discounted or complimentary registration. We continue to evaluate the convention program and adapt our convention planning with the changing volunteering needs, programming updates and overall economy and event costs. The volunteering offerings and registration options are:

  • Advisers may earn the $50 registration discount by meeting one of the following criteria:
    • Teaching one breakout session and assisting with one on-site contest OR two critiques
  • Advisers may earn complimentary registration by meeting one of the following criteria:
    • Teaching two or more breakout sessions and assisting with one on-site contest
    • Teaching two or more breakout sessions and assisting with two on-site critiques

    Confirm your volunteer commitment and register Sept. 26 to receive the registration discount. In the case of multiple advisers from one school, only two registrations will be discounted without special permission from JEA and NSPA.

    Hotel reservations

    The Philadelphia Marriott, at 1201 Market Street, is the official hotel for the fall convention. Booking with this hotel helps JEA and NSPA maintain affordable convention rates for all attendees.

    The hotel block opens Sept. 10. No hotel reservations may be made before this date.
    If you register for the convention before Sept. 10, you will receive the hotel booking link on Sept. 10. If you register for the convention after Sept. 10, the hotel booking link will be included in your confirmation email.

    The last day to reserve a room in the convention block is Oct. 16, unless the block fills sooner.

    You may book up to five rooms in one session. If you need to book more rooms, use the link again and/or contact the Marriott to ensure your rooms are booked together.

    The hotel does not guarantee parties with multiple rooms will be on the same floor, but they will do their best to place rooms in groups.

    The booking process is the same for group and individual reservations.
    In the event the Marriott block fills, convention officials will work to secure a new block in one or more hotels.